The Kapitan Cina of Batavia (Indië, Indonesië)

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Jaar (oorspr.)1994
Productnummer (ISBN)9794284149
Periode20e eeuw of later
AuteurMona Lohanda


The Kapitan Cina of Batavia (Indië, Indonesië)

(Mona Lohanda)

The Kapitan Cina of Batavia 1837 – 1942

A history of Chinese establishment in colonial society

A long succession of Kapitans since formed an intrinsic part of colonial history in Southeast Asia. Some played a significant role in state-building and in consolidating colonial governance: such as Souw Beng Kong, first Kapitan Cina of Batavia (present-day Jakarta) in the early seventeenth century; Koh Lay Huan, first Kapitan Cina of Penang in the late eighteenth century; Choa Chong Long and Tan Tock Seng, the founding Kapitans of Singapore in the early nineteenth century; and Yap Ah Loy, Kapitan Cina and founding father of modern Kuala Lumpur in the late nineteenth century. Kapitans were also pivotal in facilitating large-scale Chinese migration to Southeast Asia, or 'Nanyang' as the region is known in Chinese history. Yet due to their power and influence, many Kapitans were also focal points of resistance against European colonial rule, most notably the Kapitans of the kongsi republics of Borneo in the so-called Kongsi Wars against Dutch colonial rule from the late nineteenth until the early twentieth century. Throughout Southeast Asia, Batavia (now Jakarta) arguably boasts the longest continuous history of the institution of Kapitan Cina.[6] In 1619, the Dutch appointed Souw Beng Kong, formerly Kapitan Cina of Bantam, as the first Kapitein der Chinezen of Batavia. Through Kapitein Beng Kong, then, the Batavian Captaincy succeeded the much-earlier institution of Kapitan Cina of Bantam. Batavia also produced probably Asia's only female Kapitan Cina, the so-called Nyai Bali, who was appointed officially to her post in 1649 by the Dutch East India Company.The Batavian Captaincy ended in 1945 with the death of Khouw Kim An, the last Majoor der Chinezen of Batavia, possibly also the last such intermediary rulers in Southeast Asia. The issue of a Luitenant, Kapitein or Majoor der Chinesen are entitled, by Peranakan custom, to the hereditary dignity of Sia.

Paperback, 353 pag.

Uitg. KITLV, 1994

ISBN 9794284149



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