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(111) MAGIC kaarten van serie 9th Edition
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Verzenden voor € 0,01
300sinds 15 jan. '25, 07:57
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
TypeMeerdere kaarten
===== 111. 9th Edition.
Losse kaarten, maak je keuze!
+= Wit:
Angel of Mercy = € 0,20;
Angelic Blessing = € 0,15;
Aven Cloudchaser = € 0,15;
Aven Flock = € 0,15;
Ballista Squad = € 0,20;
Blinking Spirit = € 0,50;
Circle of Protection: Black = € 0,20;
Crossbow Infantry = € 0,15;
Demystify = € 0,15;
Foot Soldiers = € 0,15;
Glory Seeker = € 0,15;
Holy Day = € 0,25;
Holy Strength = € 0,15;
Honor Guard = € 0,15;
Infantry Veteran = € 0,15;
Inspirit = € 0,20;
Kami of Old Stone = € 0,20;
Leonin Skyhunter = € 0,25;
Marble Titan = € 2,25;
Master Decoy = € 0,15;
Master Healer = € 0,50;
Mending Hands = € 0,15;
Oracle’s Attendants = € 0,50;
Pacifism = € 0,15;
Peace of Mind = € 0,20;
Pegasus Charger = € 0,15;
Reverse Damage = € 0,50;
Righteousness = € 0,50;
Sacred Ground = € 0,50;
Sacred Nectar = € 0,15;
Samite Healer = € 0,15;
Sanctum Guardian = € 0,20;
Seasoned Marshal = € 0,20;
Serra’s Blessing = € 0,40;
Skyhunter Prowler = € 0,15;
Spirit Link = € 0,20;
Story Circle = € 0,95;
Suntail Hawk = € 0,15;
Tempest of Light = € 0,20;
Venerable Monk = € 0,15;
Veteran Cavalier = € 0,15;
Warrior’s Honor = € 0,15;
Zealous Inquisitor = € 0,20;
+= Blauw:
Air Elemental = € 0,20;
Aven Fisher = € 0,15;
Aven Windreader = € 0,15;
Baleful Stare = € 0,20;
Boomerang = € 0,15;
Counsel of the Soratami = € 0,15;
Cowardice = € 0,50;
Crafty Pathmage = € 0,15;
Dehydration = € 0,15;
Dream Prowler = € 0,20;
Fishliver Oil = € 0,15;
Flight = € 0,15;
Fugitive Wizard = € 0,15;
Horned Turtle = € 0,15;
Imaginary Pet = € 0,50;
Levitation = € 0,20;
Lumengrid Warden = € 0,15;
Mahamoti Djinn = € 0,50;
Mind Bend = € 0,50;
Plagiarize = € 0,50;
Puppeteer = € 0,25;
Reminisce = € 0,20;
Remove Soul = € 0,15;
Rewind = € 0,25;
Sage Aven = € 0,15;
Sea Monster = € 0,15;
Sea’s Claim = € 0,15;
Sift = € 0,15;
Sleight of Hand = € 1,45;
Storm Crow = € 0,15;
Temporal Adept = € 0,75;
Thought Courier = € 0,20;
Tidal Kraken = € 0,50;
Tidings = € 0,40;
Time Ebb = € 0,15;
Trade Routes = € 2,25;
Treasure Trove = € 0,20;
Wanderguard Sentry = € 0,15;
Wind Drake = € 0,15;
Withering Gaze = € 0,20;
+= Zwart:
Blackmail = € 1,25;
Bog Imp = € 0,15;
Bog Wraith = € 0,20;
Coercion = € 0,15;
Contaminated Bond = € 0,15;
Cruel Edict = € 0,40;
Dark Banishing = € 0,15;
Death Pits of Rath = € 0,50;
Deathgazer = € 0,20;
Diabolic Tutor = € 0,75;
Drudge Skeletons = € 0,20;
Enfeeblement = € 0,15;
Execute = € 0,20;
Fear = € 0,15;
Festering Goblin = € 0,25;
Final Punishment = € 0,50;
Foul Imp = € 0,15;
Giant Cockroach = € 0,15;
Gluttonous Zombie = € 0,20;
Gravedigger = € 0,15;
Highway Robber = € 0,15;
Hollow Dogs = € 0,15;
Horror of Horrors = € 0,20;
Looming Shade = € 0,15;
Mind Rot = € 0,15;
Mortivore = € 1,85;
Nightmare = € 0,50;
Phyrexian Gargantua = € 0,20;
Plague Beetle = € 0,15;
Plague Wind = € 1,15;
Raise Dead = € 0,15;
Ravenous Rats = € 0,15;
Razortooth Rats = € 0,15;
Scathe Zombies = € 0,15;
Sengir Vampire = € 0,95;
Serpent Warrior = € 0,15;
Slay = € 0,20;
Spineless Thug = € 0,15;
Unholy Strength = € 0,15;
Yawgmoth Demon = € 0,50;
Zombify = € 0,50;
+= Rood:
Anaba Shaman = € 0,15;
Anarchist = € 0,20;
Balduvian Barbarians = € 0,15;
Boiling Seas = € 0,25;
Demolish = € 0,20;
Enrage = € 0,20;
Firebreathing = € 0,15;
Flashfires = € 0,20;
Flowstone Crusher = € 0,20;
Flowstone Shambler = € 0,15;
Flowstone Slide = € 0,50;
Goblin Balloon Brigade = € 0,25;
Goblin Brigand = € 0,15;
Goblin Chariot = € 0,15;
Goblin King = € 2,25;
Goblin Mountaineer = € 0,15;
Goblin Piker = € 0,15;
Goblin Sky Raider = € 0,15;
Guerrilla Tactics = € 0,20;
Hill Giant = € 0,15;
Lava Axe = € 0,15;
Lightning Elemental = € 0,15;
Magnivore = € 0,95;
Mana Clash = € 0,50;
Mogg Sentry = € 0,50;
Ogre Taskmaster = € 0,20;
Panic Attack = € 0,15;
Raging Goblin = € 0,15;
Reflexes = € 0,15;
Relentless Assault = € 0,50;
Rogue Kavu = € 0,15;
Rukh Egg = € 0,75;
Sandstone Warrior = € 0,15;
Seething Song = € 0,75;
Shard Phoenix = € 0,50;
Shatter = € 0,15;
Shock = € 0,15;
Stone Rain = € 0,15;
Thundermare = € 0,75;
Viashino Sandstalker = € 0,20;
Volcanic Hammer = € 0,15;
Whip Sergeant = € 0,20;
+= Groen:
Anaconda = € 0,20;
Ancient Silverback = € 0,50;
Craw Wurm = € 0,15;
Elvish Bard = € 0,25;
Elvish Berserker = € 0,15;
Elvish Warrior = € 0,15;
Emperor Crocodile = € 0,50;
Force of Nature = € 0,50;
Giant Growth = € 0,15;
Giant Spider = € 0,15;
Grizzly Bears = € 0,15;
Hunted Wumpus = € 0,20;
Kavu Climber = € 0,15;
King Cheetah = € 0,20;
Ley Druid = € 0,20;
Llanowar Behemoth = € 0,20;
Maro = € 0,50;
Natural Affinity = € 0,50;
Natural Spring = € 0,15;
Norwood Ranger = € 0,15;
Order of the Sacred Bell = € 0,15;
Overgrowth = € 0,15;
Rampant Growth = € 0,15;
Reclaim = € 0,15;
Regeneration = € 0,20;
River Bear = € 2,25;
Rootbreaker Wurm = € 0,20;
Rootwalla = € 0,15;
Scaled Wurm = € 0,15;
Stream of Life = € 0,20;
Trained Armodon = € 0,15;
Tree Monkey = € 0,15;
Treetop Bracers = € 0,15;
Verduran Enchantress = € 8.-;
Web = € 0,20;
Weird Harvest = € 0,95;
Zodiac Monkey = € 0,15;
+= Artifact:
Aladdin’s Ring = € 0,50;
Beast of Burden = € 0,50;
Booby Trap = € 1,15;
Bottle Gnomes = € 0,25;
Dancing Scimitar = € 0,20;
Disrupting Scepter = € 0,50;
Icy Manipulator = € 0,40;
Millstone = € 0,75;
Phyrexian Hulk = € 0,20;
Rod of Ruin = € 0,20;
Storage Matrix = € 0,50;
Tanglebloom = € 0,20;
Thran Golem = € 0,50;
Ur-Golem’s Eye = € 0,20;
Vulshok Morningstar = € 0,20;
+= Land:
Urza’s Power Plant = € 3,-;
Plains v1 (nr. 331) = € 0,15;
Plains v2 (nr. 332) = € 0,15;
Plains v3 (nr. 333) = € 0,15;
Plains v4 (nr. 334) = € 0,15;
Island v1 (nr. 335) = € 0,15;
Island v2 (nr. 336) = € 0,15;
Island v3 (nr. 337) = € 0,15;
Island v4 (nr. 338) = € 0,15;
Swamp v1 (nr. 339) = € 0,15;
Swamp v2 (nr. 340) = € 0,15;
Swamp v3 (nr. 341) = € 0,15;
Swamp v4 (nr. 342) = € 0,15;
Mountain v1 (nr. 343) = € 0,15;
Mountain v2 (nr. 344) = € 0,15;
Mountain v3 (nr. 345) = € 0,15;
Mountain v4 (nr. 346) = € 0,15;
Forest v1 (nr. 347) = € 0,15;
Forest v2 (nr. 348) = € 0,15;
Forest v3 (nr. 349) = € 0,15;
Forest v4 (nr. 350) = € 0,15;
Losse kaarten, maak je keuze!
+= Wit:
Angel of Mercy = € 0,20;
Angelic Blessing = € 0,15;
Aven Cloudchaser = € 0,15;
Aven Flock = € 0,15;
Ballista Squad = € 0,20;
Blinking Spirit = € 0,50;
Circle of Protection: Black = € 0,20;
Crossbow Infantry = € 0,15;
Demystify = € 0,15;
Foot Soldiers = € 0,15;
Glory Seeker = € 0,15;
Holy Day = € 0,25;
Holy Strength = € 0,15;
Honor Guard = € 0,15;
Infantry Veteran = € 0,15;
Inspirit = € 0,20;
Kami of Old Stone = € 0,20;
Leonin Skyhunter = € 0,25;
Marble Titan = € 2,25;
Master Decoy = € 0,15;
Master Healer = € 0,50;
Mending Hands = € 0,15;
Oracle’s Attendants = € 0,50;
Pacifism = € 0,15;
Peace of Mind = € 0,20;
Pegasus Charger = € 0,15;
Reverse Damage = € 0,50;
Righteousness = € 0,50;
Sacred Ground = € 0,50;
Sacred Nectar = € 0,15;
Samite Healer = € 0,15;
Sanctum Guardian = € 0,20;
Seasoned Marshal = € 0,20;
Serra’s Blessing = € 0,40;
Skyhunter Prowler = € 0,15;
Spirit Link = € 0,20;
Story Circle = € 0,95;
Suntail Hawk = € 0,15;
Tempest of Light = € 0,20;
Venerable Monk = € 0,15;
Veteran Cavalier = € 0,15;
Warrior’s Honor = € 0,15;
Zealous Inquisitor = € 0,20;
+= Blauw:
Air Elemental = € 0,20;
Aven Fisher = € 0,15;
Aven Windreader = € 0,15;
Baleful Stare = € 0,20;
Boomerang = € 0,15;
Counsel of the Soratami = € 0,15;
Cowardice = € 0,50;
Crafty Pathmage = € 0,15;
Dehydration = € 0,15;
Dream Prowler = € 0,20;
Fishliver Oil = € 0,15;
Flight = € 0,15;
Fugitive Wizard = € 0,15;
Horned Turtle = € 0,15;
Imaginary Pet = € 0,50;
Levitation = € 0,20;
Lumengrid Warden = € 0,15;
Mahamoti Djinn = € 0,50;
Mind Bend = € 0,50;
Plagiarize = € 0,50;
Puppeteer = € 0,25;
Reminisce = € 0,20;
Remove Soul = € 0,15;
Rewind = € 0,25;
Sage Aven = € 0,15;
Sea Monster = € 0,15;
Sea’s Claim = € 0,15;
Sift = € 0,15;
Sleight of Hand = € 1,45;
Storm Crow = € 0,15;
Temporal Adept = € 0,75;
Thought Courier = € 0,20;
Tidal Kraken = € 0,50;
Tidings = € 0,40;
Time Ebb = € 0,15;
Trade Routes = € 2,25;
Treasure Trove = € 0,20;
Wanderguard Sentry = € 0,15;
Wind Drake = € 0,15;
Withering Gaze = € 0,20;
+= Zwart:
Blackmail = € 1,25;
Bog Imp = € 0,15;
Bog Wraith = € 0,20;
Coercion = € 0,15;
Contaminated Bond = € 0,15;
Cruel Edict = € 0,40;
Dark Banishing = € 0,15;
Death Pits of Rath = € 0,50;
Deathgazer = € 0,20;
Diabolic Tutor = € 0,75;
Drudge Skeletons = € 0,20;
Enfeeblement = € 0,15;
Execute = € 0,20;
Fear = € 0,15;
Festering Goblin = € 0,25;
Final Punishment = € 0,50;
Foul Imp = € 0,15;
Giant Cockroach = € 0,15;
Gluttonous Zombie = € 0,20;
Gravedigger = € 0,15;
Highway Robber = € 0,15;
Hollow Dogs = € 0,15;
Horror of Horrors = € 0,20;
Looming Shade = € 0,15;
Mind Rot = € 0,15;
Mortivore = € 1,85;
Nightmare = € 0,50;
Phyrexian Gargantua = € 0,20;
Plague Beetle = € 0,15;
Plague Wind = € 1,15;
Raise Dead = € 0,15;
Ravenous Rats = € 0,15;
Razortooth Rats = € 0,15;
Scathe Zombies = € 0,15;
Sengir Vampire = € 0,95;
Serpent Warrior = € 0,15;
Slay = € 0,20;
Spineless Thug = € 0,15;
Unholy Strength = € 0,15;
Yawgmoth Demon = € 0,50;
Zombify = € 0,50;
+= Rood:
Anaba Shaman = € 0,15;
Anarchist = € 0,20;
Balduvian Barbarians = € 0,15;
Boiling Seas = € 0,25;
Demolish = € 0,20;
Enrage = € 0,20;
Firebreathing = € 0,15;
Flashfires = € 0,20;
Flowstone Crusher = € 0,20;
Flowstone Shambler = € 0,15;
Flowstone Slide = € 0,50;
Goblin Balloon Brigade = € 0,25;
Goblin Brigand = € 0,15;
Goblin Chariot = € 0,15;
Goblin King = € 2,25;
Goblin Mountaineer = € 0,15;
Goblin Piker = € 0,15;
Goblin Sky Raider = € 0,15;
Guerrilla Tactics = € 0,20;
Hill Giant = € 0,15;
Lava Axe = € 0,15;
Lightning Elemental = € 0,15;
Magnivore = € 0,95;
Mana Clash = € 0,50;
Mogg Sentry = € 0,50;
Ogre Taskmaster = € 0,20;
Panic Attack = € 0,15;
Raging Goblin = € 0,15;
Reflexes = € 0,15;
Relentless Assault = € 0,50;
Rogue Kavu = € 0,15;
Rukh Egg = € 0,75;
Sandstone Warrior = € 0,15;
Seething Song = € 0,75;
Shard Phoenix = € 0,50;
Shatter = € 0,15;
Shock = € 0,15;
Stone Rain = € 0,15;
Thundermare = € 0,75;
Viashino Sandstalker = € 0,20;
Volcanic Hammer = € 0,15;
Whip Sergeant = € 0,20;
+= Groen:
Anaconda = € 0,20;
Ancient Silverback = € 0,50;
Craw Wurm = € 0,15;
Elvish Bard = € 0,25;
Elvish Berserker = € 0,15;
Elvish Warrior = € 0,15;
Emperor Crocodile = € 0,50;
Force of Nature = € 0,50;
Giant Growth = € 0,15;
Giant Spider = € 0,15;
Grizzly Bears = € 0,15;
Hunted Wumpus = € 0,20;
Kavu Climber = € 0,15;
King Cheetah = € 0,20;
Ley Druid = € 0,20;
Llanowar Behemoth = € 0,20;
Maro = € 0,50;
Natural Affinity = € 0,50;
Natural Spring = € 0,15;
Norwood Ranger = € 0,15;
Order of the Sacred Bell = € 0,15;
Overgrowth = € 0,15;
Rampant Growth = € 0,15;
Reclaim = € 0,15;
Regeneration = € 0,20;
River Bear = € 2,25;
Rootbreaker Wurm = € 0,20;
Rootwalla = € 0,15;
Scaled Wurm = € 0,15;
Stream of Life = € 0,20;
Trained Armodon = € 0,15;
Tree Monkey = € 0,15;
Treetop Bracers = € 0,15;
Verduran Enchantress = € 8.-;
Web = € 0,20;
Weird Harvest = € 0,95;
Zodiac Monkey = € 0,15;
+= Artifact:
Aladdin’s Ring = € 0,50;
Beast of Burden = € 0,50;
Booby Trap = € 1,15;
Bottle Gnomes = € 0,25;
Dancing Scimitar = € 0,20;
Disrupting Scepter = € 0,50;
Icy Manipulator = € 0,40;
Millstone = € 0,75;
Phyrexian Hulk = € 0,20;
Rod of Ruin = € 0,20;
Storage Matrix = € 0,50;
Tanglebloom = € 0,20;
Thran Golem = € 0,50;
Ur-Golem’s Eye = € 0,20;
Vulshok Morningstar = € 0,20;
+= Land:
Urza’s Power Plant = € 3,-;
Plains v1 (nr. 331) = € 0,15;
Plains v2 (nr. 332) = € 0,15;
Plains v3 (nr. 333) = € 0,15;
Plains v4 (nr. 334) = € 0,15;
Island v1 (nr. 335) = € 0,15;
Island v2 (nr. 336) = € 0,15;
Island v3 (nr. 337) = € 0,15;
Island v4 (nr. 338) = € 0,15;
Swamp v1 (nr. 339) = € 0,15;
Swamp v2 (nr. 340) = € 0,15;
Swamp v3 (nr. 341) = € 0,15;
Swamp v4 (nr. 342) = € 0,15;
Mountain v1 (nr. 343) = € 0,15;
Mountain v2 (nr. 344) = € 0,15;
Mountain v3 (nr. 345) = € 0,15;
Mountain v4 (nr. 346) = € 0,15;
Forest v1 (nr. 347) = € 0,15;
Forest v2 (nr. 348) = € 0,15;
Forest v3 (nr. 349) = € 0,15;
Forest v4 (nr. 350) = € 0,15;
- Bij verzending zijn verzendkosten en verzendrisico voor de koper.
Advertentienummer: m2223475772
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