Purification & resistance (islam in Nederland)

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Jaar (oorspr.)2011
Productnummer (ISBN)9789462364936
AuteurFiore Geelhoed


Purification & resistance (Fiore Geelhoed) (islam in Nederland)

Glocal Meanings of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Netherlands

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Glokale betekenissen van islamitisch fundamentalisme in Nederland

Proefschrift van Fiore Geelhoed ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de rector magnificus Prof.dr. H.G. Schmidt en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties. De openbare verdediging vond plaats op vrijdag 13 januari 2012 om 11.30 uur.

Islamic fundamentalist movements, such as Salafism, are of great concern to Western societies like the Netherlands, yet much remains unknown about these phenomena. Striving for Allah fills in the blanks by presenting primary data from in-depth qualitative research in the Netherlands and, to a lesser extent, Britain. First, the book compares orthodox, radical, and extremist groups - regarding attitudes, motives, reasons, and behavior - within Islamic fundamentalism. Then it presents an innovative theoretical framework that contributes to the understanding of the attraction of Islamic fundamentalism to converts, an important group that is often overlooked. The book finds that Dutch Muslim fundamentalists are not as 'other' as is commonly assumed. Instead, the research demonstrates that Islamic fundamentalism among the Dutch and other Western Muslims is, to a large extent, a Western phenomenon. Islamic fundamentalism is hence a truly global phenomenon.

Paperback, 261 pag., register

Uitg. Erasmeus Universiteit, 2011

ISBN 9789462364936

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