Peepo Books: Peepo pirates by Yoojin Um (Novelty book)

€ 22,98
00sinds 24 mar. '23, 22:25
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AuteurYoojin Um loved drawing from an early age. As a shy child, who liked to find unusual places to hide, she enjoyed doodling and creating stories. As she grew up, Yoojin began to realise that pictures can communicate in ways that words cannot and decided that she wanted to become a professional illustrator. Yoojin worked as a graphic designer before pursuing her dream of illustrating children's books.
Productnummer (ISBN)9781848571570
Categorie-suggestieBoeken Novelty & Activity Books


Conditie: Goed
Auteur: Yoojin Um loved drawing from an early age. As a shy child, who liked to find unusual places to hide, she enjoyed doodling and creating stories. As she grew up, Yoojin began to realise that pictures can communicate in ways that words cannot and decided that she wanted to become a professional illustrator. Yoojin worked as a graphic designer before pursuing her dream of illustrating children's books.
Genre: Novelty & Activity Books
Bindwijze: Novelty Book
Aantal pagina's:
Produkt lengte:
Produkt breedte:
Taal: Engels
EAN: 9781848571570

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