Philosophy of relationship equality (Cooper Doe)

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Jaar (oorspr.)2008
Productnummer (ISBN)9781604627893
AuteurCooper Doe


Philosophy of relationship equality

(Cooper Doe)

Hollandic author Cooper Doe precisely identifies this internal force contributing to relationship detriment in his expose, Philosophy of Relationship Equality. By pinpointing and divulging the two mechanisms relationship partners use, excuse and blame,

Cooper Doe offers apractical how-to for saving quickly failing marriages. So whats the quick fix? Both partners must live in reality and face their true self before they can each contribute to a healthy, progressing relationship. If this sounds too simple to actually follow, dont worry. Cooper gracefully gives readers practical tips and easy to follow principles on looking within yourself to carefully examine your relationship contribution. What are you waiting for? Step into reality today and get back into the life you promised yourself and your partner!

Paperback, 163 pag., gesigneerd door de auteur

Uitg. Tate Publishing, 2008

ISBN 9781604627893

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· Op biedingen die te laag zijn wordt niet gereageerd
· Op biedingen die acceptabel zijn wordt snel gereageerd
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